Chinese cuisine

Typical Chinese food

A well-known Chinese epithet says: “Food is heaven” and how right it is! Chinese cuisine is one of the oldest in the world… with more than 4 millennia of history and tradition, it evolved into a unique gastronomy, growing and expanding until today. Famous for rice and exotic food, its… Read more

Premium prawn bread

Surely many of you already know it, as it is one of the star accompaniments in any oriental restaurant and leaves no one unsatisfied. This is prawn bread, also known as keporok or snack, cracker or prawn crackers. Kids love it and grown-ups love it as an ideal snack for… Read more

Learn all about noodles

plato noodles

Pasta is one of the most widely used products in Asian cuisine and it is no wonder if we analyse the numbers. Currently, it is known that 90% of Japanese people include noodles in their menu at least one day a week and 70% even up to 2 days. Of… Read more

Moutai, the deluxe Chinese liqueur

This week in our blog we want to highlight a very important drink in the East, more specifically in China. It is known for being a very luxurious liquor, do you want to know why? We tell you all about it below. Moutai is what the Chinese call a type… Read more

Dim Sum: what it is, recipes and where to buy it

olla vapor de bambu

We explain everything about Dim Sum: how to cook them, where to buy the dough or buy them already filled, some recipes for you to make them at home, varieties and names they have, as well as their origin and history.

Bao or Baozi Bread: what it is and where to buy it

In a fusion restaurant, in a food truck or simply at a casual dinner with friends. Surely, on more than one occasion, you’ve come across this little steamed bun filled with flavourful ingredients and an exotic touch and wondered… what is this? what is this? Well, without going any further,… Read more

Fortune (or fortune) biscuits: origin and where to buy them

Who doesn’t know the famous fortune biscuits? We’ve all seen the main characters in films opening the famous fortune biscuits… or Fortune Cookies, as they are also known. The little crunchy biscuits that have a roll of paper inside with positive phrases, famous Chinese proverbs or numbers that give you… Read more